Today’s vendors increasingly need to understand the current complexities and unique challenges of global supply chains in order to ensure the success of their projects. That’s especially true throughout the electronics manufacturing sector with its often volatile, highly competitive nature.

As the supply chain disruptions over the last several years have shown, critical components and materials may suddenly be delayed, if not completely unavailable on the market. Furthermore, sudden price increases as well as new tariffs have caught many customers off guard, throwing their previous budgets out of balance.

By focusing on future planning, efficient supply chain management and sustainable production strategies, Pergamon helps establish a more reliable ongoing source for your products – within budget and according to schedule.

3 Key Aspects and Challenges of the Electronics Manufacturing Supply Chain:

Sourcing Raw Materials and Electronics Components

Getting the volume of electronics components you need as you need them can be a huge challenge in today’s electronics supply chain. By working with well-established vendors both domestically and abroad, Pergamon maintains a steady supply of all critical components and raw materials needed to meet your production goals.

Embracing Lean Manufacturing and Design

Our close integration of engineering and manufacturing departments help keep your project lean, on track, and on time. Through highly effective communication and collaboration, we eliminate the complication of working with multiple contractors in the product development process. Simultaneously, we’ll help optimize your product designs for the specific production process to follow.

Establishing the Necessary Quality Control

Of course, quality issues are one of the biggest challenges that can arise and upset your overall supply chain. If any one component is not manufactured according to specifications, your entire project can become derailed. That’s why Pergamon operates under hands-on, highly detailed quality control processes. Our various Certifications and Regulatory Approvals ensure superior results for a wide range of specific product needs.

Optimized Supply Chain Management Solutions for Small Businesses

Pergamon’s unique supply chain management strategies are especially effective for small business enterprises. Our integrated engineering and manufacturing departments simplify the production process as well as the logistics of your project while giving you a single point of contact and accountability.

At Pergamon, our supply chain management extend from the initial development of your products to the necessary end-of-life planning, touching every base in between:

  • Sustainable manufacturing processes combined with future planning to balance inventory levels with market demand.
  • Reliable, well-vetted sourcing for all materials and individual components needed for your end products.
  • Integrated engineering, manufacturing, and assembly to streamline the process for small businesses.
  • Integrated electronics testing and inspection processes ensure the intended quality and performance metrics are satisfied.
  • Responsive, collaborative customer service and project support every step of the way.

Expert Supply Chain Management for Electronics Manufacturing Projects

Pergamon’s expertise in supply chain management helps us optimize every project to potentially reduce your costs while establishing a more robust and reliable source for your products.