Part 1 of “Selecting an Engineering Services Partner”

In our previous post, we outlined the stages of selecting an engineering services partner:

  • Define your requirements
  • Identify candidates & send out your RFP
  • Evaluate the candidates
  • Evaluate the proposals
  • Make your selection and award the contract

Today, we will be going over Stage 1 – Define your requirements.
Identify the following in your Request-For-Proposal (RFP):

  • Functional and performance requirements of the product
  • Regulatory requirements
  • A list of specific deliverables
  • Technical capabilities needed to execute the project
  • Your expectations with respect to the product development process, roles and responsibilities, and formal documentation
  • How you see project roles and responsibilities being shared between your company and the vendor
  • Desired Schedule
  • Development and production cost targets

We suggest taking the time to be as specific as possible. The more clarity you have, the easier it can be to find the best fit for your project.

Stay tuned for our next post as we go over stage 2 – Identify your candidates and send out your RFP.

If you would like to work with experienced engineers who can work hand and hand with you to help define your project, please give Pergamon a call. We have helped many companies with their product development efforts, including PCB design, testing, validation, prototypes and more. Please contact us today to speak with an engineer!